Monday, February 9, 2009


“If you see the illegal government coming, I order you as deputy Youth chief to do what is necessary,” he said.

Later, when pressed on what is “necessary” by reporters, Khairy said that as the Ipoh police chief had assured him that they would not allow the PR men to enter the premises, Umno Youth would stand down.

“I hold him to his promise. But if they are not able to deliver, then I cannot guarantee their actions due to their anger,” he said.

Statement from a youth leader?????

How can a youth leader said to be well educated issue such a statement??? Is this how a good leader leads his followers??? Well, in Bolehland I guess thats the standard of leaders that we have. How sad and disappointing. Shouldn't he instead be ensuring that his followers or members abstain from causing trouble and abiding by the law??? Instead we the peace loving members of the public are once again faced with the prospect of violence.

Sure he has the right to voice his opinions on the current standoff in Perak but to incite and order his followers to do what obviously is against the law cannot and should not be tolerated!!!! How can BN say or preach to the public that they are willing to change when statements like these are issued in public??? It is as if his youth wing is above the law and can do anything they like if they feel the police do not what they want or wish for. Where is his integrity??? Where is his sense of responsibility????

One can only say that yet again the integrity of the police will be put to the test. If they the police do practice double standards it will be there for all to see. We the peace loving rakyat in Malaysia are time and again fed with 'bullshit' from many leaders of the ruling government that no one is above the law. However saying and doing are two different things.

Political mileage is the only thing that comes to mind as we witness the non stop flow of statements of anger and hate being poured out by our 'so called leaders'. Jumping on the 'Derhaka kepada Raja Bandwagon' seems to be the current way to get oneself in the limelight.

If this is not considered CRIMINAL INCITEMENT FOR VIOLENCE then we the Rakyat of Malaysia do live in a police state!!!!

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